Wednesday, November 6, 2013


It's been a really long time since I've taken the time to type long posts about my life like there's people reading them. Sorry to all the people reading these, I've missed you. I'm not gonna update you on the 10 ish cruises that have past since my last post buuut I do wanna address some things about ship life and talk about where my heads at right now.

First thing I need to get off my chest, I've grown an obsession with pizza. 

I spend a lot of time jamming to gaga and getting dressy and drunk. The good life right. But not really. No. Not at all. I'm on a friggan rocky ass boat. With bad food (except for our za) and slow wifi. We all make the best of things, for the most part, but there's a spectrum of ship life morals that are constantly clashing. Takes a lot to be positive when your co workers aren't.. And vice versa. Sometimes being miserable just feels so good. Whether or not you have company. At the end of the day, no matter how shady things have been, there always cheap drinks and free pizza. Hollllllaaaaaa

Ship life truly is like jersey shore level crazy when it comes to drama. Like Roni and Sammi all day. Honestly don't even have the energy to say anything more about the drama. It's just nuts. 

I have to say I've become a lot more comfortable with being here. Its odd because I have never felt so alone in my life but that seems to be my motivation right now. I'm literally not important to anybody on this ship. No best friends, boyfriend, position of authority, nothing about my place here is irreplaceable. I'm here for myself and myself only. Upsetting, yes, but really self empowering. I'm an 18 year old girl from Canada performing on ship. That's pretty impressive. Go me. Hopefully believing in myself will get easier. Praise The Lord for the good people on this ship though. Seriously, bless the hearts of the people who put up with my bs mood swings and cheer lead my ass out of depression at times. Go YOU. 

And I'm still in love with divas.

Till next time. Keep it real people :*

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