Saturday, November 23, 2013


That awkward moment when you realize the post you wrote last week is missing.. I typed up a pretty damn long update.. Basically summed up October. I was planning on sending it to my fam jam. That didn't happen. Ya. Awkward. And I really don't feel like re writing it buuuuuuut I have a crap load of free time ATM so why nat..

How does wind work? Like, where does the movement start? I don't get it. Speaking of ATM I've paid off my OSAP! Just in time for my 19th birthday (tomorrow). You know what they say... Ain't nothing like paying off a student loan before your legal bday!!!!!! Nobody says that. Is it odd that I hope you're reading this thinking wtf is she drunk which is the perfect Segway for no because I'm not drinking for the rest of my contract!!!!!! .....Slay...... I've almost completely entirely gone insane. I'm proud of myself :) hopefully that explains why I am not excited to see the hunger games sequel and equally unexcited, not sure where I'm going with this. But I do know that I don't know where my doughnut is. *funnel bump*

And that's October in a nutshell

To be continued

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